Salone News

Grammar School students benefit from UNDP support

29 October 2007 at 21:45 | 1132 views

In a handing-over ceremony which took place today, Monday 29 October, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) donated a selection of high quality computer equipment to Grammar School in Freetown. The equipment was donated on account of one of its students, Ibrahim Turay, winning the National Essay Competition in 2006.

The National Essay Competition forms part of UNDP’s commemorations for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP). The competition is organised each year by UNDP for students of Senior Secondary Schools and holds an attractive $3,000 prize. Grammar School was asked to nominate a project for use of the prize money. It requested that much-needed Information Technology (IT) equipment be secured for the school, which would benefit its students greatly in furthering their education. Included in the equipment donated was a DELL computer, printer (combined with a fax and photocopier) and paper supplies.

At the handing-over ceremony which took place at Grammar School, UNDP Programme Specialist, Stephen Bainous Kargbo congratulated the school on the new equipment and said “the presence of UNDP serves to motivate the students and shows what they can accomplish when they put their minds to it, to improve their school and advance their education”.

The second-place prize winner of the competition, student James Bangura gave the vote of thanks at the ceremony and said that the “material would be used for furthering the education of the students and for the eradication of poverty”.
