Canada News

Liberal politician Yasir Naqvi says he is ready to be Premier of Ontario

29 August 2023 at 23:39 | 1435 views

Yes, I’m Ready

Yasir Naqvi via

Yes, I really do hear the whispers — “he’s too Muslim,” “he’s not Muslim enough,” “Ontario just isn’t ready for a Muslim Premier.”

They’re wrong.

I’m a Canadian, and I believe in the people of Ontario. Earlier this month, in the Toronto Star, I wrote about why I’m running to be Ontario’s next Liberal Premier, and Ontario’s first immigrant premier, first premier of colour, first non-Christian premier.

I’m running because the status quo right now isn’t good enough.

I’m running because kids who look like me, who sound like me, who know what it’s like to be underestimated, deserve to see themselves in the Premier’s office

I’m running because Doug Ford is making things worse, and Ontario deserves better.

I’m ready to lead the Ontario Liberal Party and the whispers won’t stop me. My entire political career people have underestimated me, and every single time I have proven them wrong.

Sign-up now and join me.

Count on me!

I’m not in the race because it’s easy. I’m in it because Ontario needs someone like me, who’s not afraid of hard work and making the big changes required to make life easier for everyone in Ontario.

So join me. Sign up today. Donate even $5 or $10 or $50 dollars.

Donate here!

Yasir Naqvi
