Salone News

Sierra Leonean male model Uthman Bangura

22 December 2021 at 04:12 | 1594 views

Sierra Leonean male model Uthman Bangura...Someone to watch!

By Kwame Cumalé Fitzjohn, PV Special Contributor, USA

On Dec 1, I was in Istanbul on what should have been a few hours layover from DC en route to Sierra Leone, my homeland. My transit, however, turned out to be a stopover for several days(!) in Turkey’s largest city and financial hub. The cause, we were told, was bad weather.

I was a passenger on Turkish Airlines, the country’s national carrier - it only flew to North Africa in the early 2000s but now flies to 26 destinations in sub-Saharan Africa including Sierra Leone. I was provided accommodation at the Four Seasons-Sheraton but would have much preferred basking in the sun and treading on the soil in my native land ... UNTIL - through a mutual connection - I was introduced to Istanbul-based Sierra Leone model Uthman Bangura. My near-nightmare turned into a blessing in disguise!

Kwame (left) with Uthman

Uth, as he is known by many in the modeling industry, gave me a whirlwind tour of Istanbul, Turkey’s cultural and historic center. After he had me over for a delectable dinner at his massive apartment which also doubles as an airbnb in a high-end neighborhood, he took me on a tour of the historic and culturally attractive Taksim Square!

Our man in Istanbul

Uth’s pics were all over stores at the Square but since fall season has begun, some have been brought down as a change in the fashion line gets underway. In any case, that’s HIM you see in the regular, skinny and balloon jeans in the pics (posted) of both of us - and one of his big posters is still mounted which you see behind us in one of the pics!!

Uth relocated to Accra, Ghana from Sierra Leone as a teenager. In Accra, he was discovered and signed to a modeling agency in his early 20s, from there his career took off like a missile! It took him to South Africa, Nigeria, Turkey, Dubai and now, Thailand is next!

To say Uth has the looks of an international male model is unmistakable but I found this young man has his head screwed squarely on his shoulders at 28. I was glad I met him, hope to stay in touch, and follow his career path. Big up for a world-renowned model of Sierra Leonean roots and heritage!!!

Now, enjoy the view ... !
