Salone News

Promoting scientific writing in Sierra Leone

18 February 2022 at 20:25 | 530 views

By Alhaji Njai, Sierra Leone

It was wonderful organizing and planning an inaugural multi-institution Scientific Writing Workshop in Bo, Sierra Leone, Feb 9-11, a successful partnership between Sierra Leone Journal of Biomedical Research, Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), African Field Epidemiologist Network (AFENET), and University of Sierra Leone (USL).

Thanks to our amazing facilitators that came from all over world; Editor in Chief Lancet Global Health, US CDC Atlanta, AFENET, and so on. I am happy to have led concept development and implementation of such a unique opportunity for Salone. Together, we shall help strengthen health systems through basic and operational research @Alhaji U.
