Salone News

Congrats, comrade Alusine Sesay

9 January 2009 at 02:39 | 596 views

By Essa Thaim-Kurugba, PRO, APC-NA.

Dear Honorable Sesay:

I am directed by the APC-NA Branch Chairman Comrade Osman T. Conteh, the entire Executive APC-NA Branch and all its Chapter Presidents to promptly send out this congratulatory message to you for your preferment as Chief of Protocol, Office of the President of Sierra Leone.

Comrade Sesay, we in the North America branch know that it is not easy to make a break through in the political spectrum of our country particularly when you consider the formidable odds that face us in the path to success. We also wish to express our profound and heartfelt appreciation to you Comrade Sesay for your tremendous contributions in the Foreign Service, the welfare of all concerned Sierra Leoneans, and the needy.

Honorable Sesay, to be honest with you, a cross section of Sierra Leoneans are greatly proud of your hard work, relentless efforts and patriotism you have continued to render our beloved country. APC-NA branch is really proud of you. We would like to assure you that we shall remain committed to those ideals and nurture the excellent relationship that exists between you, your family and those ones around you. Your promotion to this high office as the nation Chief of Protocol Officer will surely remain indelible and will occupy a significant milestone in the annals of history.

It is also clear that you took this office at a time when the country’s top administrative office (State House) needed elites with academic acumen, representation, prayerful, sympathy and love of the people. You filled that vacuum with energy, dependability, dedication, and love of service. You challenged that arduous task with masculine courage. The effort you put in our country and its work had earned you credibility of excellence.

Your willingness to work with the Koroma’s Administration has transcends all considerations and barriers, which has earned you an unparalleled character as an honorable Chief of Protocol Officer in Office of the President. We pray that God continue to give you the courage, long life, blessings for your family and your country. May God bless you.

On behalf of the entire APC-NA branch, I am again directed by our able National Chairman to faithfully submit this congratulatory letter to you.

Thanks with PEACE and LOVE.

Essa Thaim-Kurugba

Photo: Comrade Alusine Sesay.
