Salone News

As he speaks tough in Kambia, KKY sends Special Message to Samura and Chericoco

29 May 2023 at 16:52 | 953 views


On Saturday 27th May, 2023, the National Grand Coalition Party (NGC) officially kick-start their campaign for Parliamentary, Local Council seats and the Presidential candidate for the Progressive Alliance, President Bio in Kambia District.

The gathering saw the convergence of thousands of members and supporters of the NGC Party in Kambia District at Kambia town. Hyped as they were, supporters once again manifested that, the NGC is indeed in control of Kambia District.

Speaking to supporters, Hon. Yumkella (photo), Leader of the NGC Party expressed joy for being among them and thank them for being steadfast and supportive to the course, ideals and beliefs of the NGC Party. He called on them to continue believing in the NGC and ensure they massively vote in President Bio as he is representing the Alliance in the presidential ticket. Hon. KKY said, the Alliance is the best thing that has ever happened to Sierra Leone and it is the Alliance that will bring in the long-awaited peace, national cohesion, Compassionate Inclusive Governance and development, he therefore urged all supporters and members to embrace and work in the spirit of the Strategic Progressive Alliance.

Hon. Yumkella used the occasion to reply and send a special exclusive message to the APC presidential candidate and running mate, Dr. Samura Kamara and Chericoco respectively. He called on them to publicly denounce and dissociate themselves from Adebayor, a known social media ventriloquist who has over the past three years been raining invectives against women in this country if they are sincere about leading this country. Hon. KKY asserts that, for the past 50 plus years, Samura has been part and parcel of the financial running in this country heading and controlling strategic financial institutions in the country, KKY said, "Samura Kamara is 50% responsible for the economic mess the country has been facing over the years to the extent of his former APC government leaving the country on austerity." He said, "what he was not able to solve for the past 50 years, Samura is not in any position to be the right man to come and solve it now," KKY said.

He called on the people of Kambia to be wise and not be allowed to be confused by the lies and misinformation of the APC. He said, through the Alliance, the people of Kambia will experience and enjoy long-lasting and quality development for all. He said, the Alliance has already won the election on a first round basis.
