From the Editor’s Keyboard

Zimbabwe: time for civil society to seize the space?

Sam Kebele’s analysis of recent events in Zimbabwe highlights the internal and external complexities at work in the country. He considers the possibilities (...)

| April 2007 | 576 views

Nigeria: Urgent Action Needed to Rescue Election

"Nigeria’s elections and Obasanjo’s coveted reputation as a champion of democracy are greatly endangered. But the country’s stability and democracy, as well (...)

| April 2007 | 716 views

Pan African unity: Can Africa match the bid?

The idea of a United States of Africa is the visionary outcome of a Pan African Unity. Gichinga Ndirangu presents the case for a United States of Africa (...)

| April 2007 | 607 views

Zimbabwe: A time of deafness

"Battered bodies, broken bones, bleeding human flesh. That is all President Robert Mugabe has been able to give to the people he is supposed to protect and (...)

| March 2007 | 581 views

Ghana at 50: Independence or the fog of dependency?

’Freedom’, however, can be fleeting thing. Is Ghana free today? What precisely do we mean by ’freedom in Ghana? Perhaps what is, I think, most instructive and (...)

| March 2007 | 528 views

Will the real William Wilberforce please stand up?

Bro. K. Bangarah argues that it was a series of military, economic and political forces, as well as the actions of a group of Afrikan activists in Britain (...)

| March 2007 | 705 views

I am not asking for your approval

’The concern is not my oppression, but the inaccessibility of hijabi bodies and a general discomfort with those who have no problems with visible signs of (...)

| March 2007 | 707 views

A Cultural Paradigm for Liberia’s Reconstruction

As Liberia emerges as a new nation with competing resource priorities it needs to look back to it’s past cultural traditions particularly in the area of (...)

| February 2007 | 690 views

Debt Relief: A Panacea for Sierra Leone?

"What has the government so far done to implement the recommendations? Next to nothing, say the critics, despite the fact that the TRC published its final (...)

| February 2007 | 616 views

World Social Forum: just another NGO fair?

The World Social Forum, which took place in Nairobi, Kenya for the first time in Africa, was supposed to be a forum for the voices of the grassroots. But (...)

| February 2007 | 597 views