African News

What is Mendecracy?

30 November 2013 at 18:55 | 1156 views


By Dr. John Leigh, former Sierra Leone Ambassador to the United States of America.

I have explained the words "Mendecrats" and "Mendecracy" several times in a number of forums but some people are still uninformed. So, I’ll do a once over for others.

Mendecrats are not just every Mende person. My late beloved mother was Mende but she was no Mendecrat. Mendecrats are tribalistic Mendes who believe that, pa-o-pa (by all means), only Mendes should rise to the top in SLPP, even if they happen to be dull heads, flimsy bookman dem, junta criminals killing citizens, beating up Bishops, stealing public funds, suppressing the press and lying outrageously about their crooked public service record so that they look like heroes instead of the criminals that they truly are and so on.

Mendecracy is their governance system. It puts evil Mendecrats above all Sierra Leoneans and that every non-Mende Sierra Leonean exists to serve Mendes and must submit to them. Mendecracy is underpinned by rank favoritism coupled with an alliance with submissive crooks from other groups to loot the wealth of Sierra Leone. Its cardinal practice is "Monkey woke Babu eat".

Mendecrats will support SLPP only through lip service. They will make no helpful or practical contributions. Instead, they will sit quietly by until normal people do the work, fund the operations and bring success to SLPP. That is when Mendecrats will show up to claim SLPP and kapu it via campism. Mendecrats will never support a nation building government such as EBK’s APC. Instead, they will do whatever they wish to do to bring it down with lies for they have no interest in constructive criticism.

Excellent discussions of Mendecrats and Mendecracy have taken place in both Athens of West Africa and Bo Lets Go forums. In my own personal experience, the generality of Mendes do not subscribe to Mendecracy. We are all democrats.
