African News

Book Review: The Strength in her Pain to Forgive

16 December 2013 at 21:15 | 1587 views

F.A. Cole
Distant Sunrise - The Strength in her Pain to Forgive
Charleston, SC: Francess Cole, 2012 pb 181pp $13.00
ISBN 9780615420325

Book Review by LaShanta Y. Jones Tinner, PhD.

When I first read Distant Sunrise, I was deeply moved. This story can capture the heart of anyone who believes that freedom should exist in the physical and spiritual realms.

F.A. Cole presented a detailed description of the pain and suffering of women who experience female genital mutilation and survive. The text gives insight to the common practice that so many are faced with in countries less fortunate than our own (United States of America). The egotistical rites of passage into womanhood brought this author through a journey that ultimately led to newfound liberation. I was impressed to read that the road traveled brought about acceptance of self, relief of hatred, and deliverance.

Distant Sunrise is divided into three sections that represent suffering, war, and new beginnings. The root of the story explicitly articulates life’s experiences of a young girl who had been cheated of her childhood, manipulated into womanhood, and travailed as she battled with: low self-esteem, shame, family, men, sex, and God. Because the author was so honest and outspoken, the chapters are educational tools that will challenge readers to confront oppression, enslavement of women, religion, and psychological effects of aberrant love.

There is power in words and a person’s actions can make a profound statement. F.A. Cole presents an unprecedented truth about what happens to little girls near and far because society has chosen to devalue, dehumanize and neglect the vary creature that God places as the bearer of all living things. Young girls, women, mothers, and sisters are being demoralized, brutalized, and traumatized by senseless acts based on ignorance and limited knowledge of a Divine Power.

Cole shows through her bravery that regardless of circumstances, one can overcome and survive by being steadfast, focused, and true to self. Her testimony is one that will inspire, demand that you reevaluate the importance of life, and challenge you to stand up for women and children near and far who face female genital mutilation, poverty, identification issues, and today’s modern version of slavery. To be so bold to share these words is an attempt to help others heal and become advocates for justice.

This autobiography is influential as it shows the cause and effect of life’s choices. It is a learning tool that brings about conversation concerning important global issues that can no longer settle in a Distant Sunrise.

The book can be purchased via Amazon and interested readers can also visit the author’s web site at and click on the “get a copy” link.

The author, Francess Cole. Also shown on the book cover above.
