From the Editor’s Keyboard

Random Thoughts: Environment, Karefa, Lebanese

By Gibril Gbanabome Koroma, Editor and Publisher, Vancouver, Canada. The roles of Editor and Publisher can be onerous, taking up most of your time and (...)

| September 2010 | 378 views

Tonkolili is nobody’s colony!

Opinion To many readers the news item captioned, ‘Tonkolili in billion-dollar project’, published in this newspaper a few days ago about a huge mining (...)

by Ahmed Ojulla Bangura | September 2010 | 906 views

Remember the Day of the African Child

By Edward Tedson Sesay, Guest Writer, London, UK. South Africa is in the thick of great joy as the World Cup keeps everyone there smiling, cheering, (...)

| June 2010 | 383 views

Why, Sierra Leone, why?

By Nanette Thomas, Guest Writer, Texas, USA. I have been reading with shock and dismay over the arrest of some Sierra Leoneans back home that have been (...)

| May 2010 | 483 views

A message for our writers and correspondents

Dear Friends and Colleagues, As some of you are fully aware, the Patriotic Vanguard was founded by a group of professional journalists (not by "play (...)

| May 2010 | 359 views