From the Editor’s Keyboard

We are back, fully energized and ready to go

27 December 2008 at 02:09 | 657 views


By Gibril Koroma,

Readers would have noticed that we took an unannounced break on Christmas eve and Christmas day itself, mainly to relax with friends and plan the future because we believe that planning is the first step and sine qua non in any successful and sustainable venture. We have been planning from day one and will continue to do so.

In fact we did not even have time to announce our break(for which I would like to apologize profusely) because of unavoidable circumstances including terrible winter weather conditions, the worst to hit Canada and the US in a long time.

However we have been able to experience how popular the Patriotic Vanguard is through the huge number of emails and telephone calls we had received from people wondering what had happened to their daily offering of news from PV. We are humbled and honoured by this dramatic confirmation and testament of our popularity.

Events in the sister republic of Guinea are a source of concern for us at PV and indeed for all peace-loving people around the world. We wish there would be no further unnecessary bloodshed in that unfortunate country, a country of dictators, extreme repression and poverty. We shall continue to monitor the situation.

Indeed this is one of those moments that make me thank God that I studied French at FBC and Paris(Sorbonne). My knowledge of Voltaire’s language and media contacts in Conakry will therefore be extremely useful as events unfold in Guinea, one of our francophone neighbours.

Vive le peuple de Guinee!

Photo: PV editor and publisher Gibril Gbanabome Koroma (centre) and friends in Vancouver, Canada.
