From the Editor’s Keyboard

Do not let your background put your back on the ground

15 October 2020 at 21:44 | 1352 views

By Sinneh T. Moijueh, Special Contributor, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Please note that the extent of a man’s vision is the boundary of his blessings. The greater your vision, the more wider your boundary of blessings will become.

No one is limited to achieve success in actual fact; it’s the limitation of our thoughts that limit our actual progress.

We get ourselves limited by our very thoughts just because we are from very poor backgrounds, from a village, because we are black etc. The reality is that no man is limited to reach the greatest of heights, our small thoughts/visions limit us.

Some several years ago, a little baby boy from a Kenyan background was born. He was named Barack Obama. He disregarded his background, lived with great vision which eventually saw him become the first black president of the United States of America.

Today you must move out of that self-limited world, expand your vision and change the world. You are not paying a cent to dream big, it’s a mere choice you have to make. Choose the biggest vision irrespective of your background, race, tribe, nationality.etc

Make the choice today and change your future!

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