World News

Dialogue Between Sole Brother and Soul Sister

29 October 2014 at 01:26 | 2372 views

By Professor Emeritus Jonathan Peters, Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Over nearly four decades after my first practice of meditation began in 1978 and particularly since I began writing creatively in 1986, my writing has evolved from a point of struggle to produce a half page (125 words, i.e., 250 words a page, 10 words per line) or so of critical or creative output to occasions when I have drafted as many as ten thousand words—in one instance 13,000 words on a single day. For a dozen years or so, I have never embarked on a writing project without first meditating and getting guidance, even approval, from the spirits that guide me.

It is my considered view that as humans we have each access to guidance from the spirit of God within that we may draw on. Meditation science from the East tells us that someone intent on a spiritual path should have as an external guide a realized master, but that pilgrim must also have an internal guru that my teacher, the late Param Sant Param Manav Dayal (Man of Compassion), Dr I C Sharma encouraged me to reach for.

The poem, ’Dialogue Between Sole Brother and Soul Sister,’ came to me in a
process. First, I asked if I would be helped in getting a poem to celebrate
the passing of my sister, Jestina Webber nee Peters. The answer was ’yes.’
It wasn’t till the eve of her funeral that I found myself singing a praise
shout (I am not fond of singing them though I listen to them attentively in
church): ’My sister where you goin’ to? / Am going to the Lord; / My sister
where you join’ to? / The Lord called me.’ Next the title came to me, but I
did not begin writing until early on the funeral day itself, Saturday, 18th
October. I managed to complete it just past noon and got the draft sent to
my daughter, Sonia, via email just and notified just as she got to Good
Shepherd United Methodist Church in Silver Spring ( USA). I heard that she read it
during the service. I am sharing it through this forum.

My celestial guides used the opportunity of the tribute to signal through
me that the Age of Aquarius is indeed come and that the signs are beginning
to show. The Beatles’ song about ’love, love, love’ echoed Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart’s in the 18th century (’liege, liege, liege) and of Yeshua bar
Joseph the Anointed One, the Christ, 2000 years ago. The age of Jesus the
Christ is now over as the constellations move in precession (backwards)
from Aries (2000 years BCE to 4 BC with the birth of Jesus, son of Joseph,
the carpenter. The reader may pose questions via this publishing medium or
to my email address,

In the interchange, I speak the non-italicised words, while those in
italics represent Jestina’s own responses.

Peace and love, love, love,


Dialogue Between Sole Brother and Soul Sister

My sister, who you talking to?
Am talking to the Lord.
I say, sister, who you with, right now?
Brother, with the Lord.
Sister, speak, your children listen,
Know you left but still are near.
Fitted now, with wings to soar,
Seeing with a sight more clear.
Sister, speak O give them stock
From the shadow of the Rock.
A new age I see is starting,
Christ brings peace and joy to earth.
Calvary none, cross, crown of thorns gone,
Down with graft and up with mirth.
Love, love, love the Saviour sings,
Strict but kind, world wealth he brings.
This hour mourners at Good Shepherd
My seven decades’ life extol.
Bowling gone, foo foo, plasas none,
Love not in body but in soul.
Cry no more, no tears, I pray,
The Good Shepherd is my stay.
My sister, where are you, today?
Today, am with the Lord;
I loved him, Brother, as you know,
Love him more now as Christ.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord I am with you,
Though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see,
Only thou art holy, there is none beside thee,
Perfect in power, in love and purity.
My Sister, gone to glory now
Tell me what you see, tell us,
Where goes our Freetown, country, world,
So plagued, corrupt, so sick.

Yeshua told us, Brother, dear,
First shall be last, last first.
Last world shall rise up, have no fear,
Waterman will quench thirst.
Freetown, city of gall and doom
Now in deep threnody;
I speak it now, Freetown will boom
Henceforth a psalmody.
Do not mourn me sole brother, me,
No coffin will hold bound,
Soul sister roams earth, sky, air, sea
As dervish goes around.
Am blessed, the home call I received
Showed God’s amazing grace.
Shed no more idle tears, I weaved
My web; I see God’s face.

Sister, my Sister I am glad
That you are with the Lord.
Dried eyed we will be no more sad,
Forward are in accord.
Amen, Amen and Amen.

Congo Town, Freetown, 18th October, 2014.
